Monday, September 21, 2009


Lovely healthy eating blog by my friend Linda Koones

We had a little chat about how to ripen green tomatoes. One other tip I forgot to mention was: Pull entire plant up , shake off soil and hang upside down from the garage rafters. Tomatoes will ripen soon afterwards.



Unknown said...

Hello! so I'm curious, why not just leave them in the garden? Do you need the space, or will they not ever ripen if left out? I have about 12 big brandy wines still green, some look quite immature and now thinking I should pull them up and hang inside, is it too chilly now to leave them in the garden in south l.a.? Please reply also I have another tomato question for you, Barb

Prose&ConPosts said...

Hearing from assorted sources that unripe tomatoes are this season's newest concern. It's gotta b the cool, wet weather; and June gloom yet looms!

Patience. We always need more. Hard to stop salivating when I view my bumper crop of Romas caught in lycopene limbo.

--Long Beach